Welcome to our AML-pub, 3 May.

Finally we can invite you to our AML-pub.Our theme is Crypto currency and we will talk about what it is and what risk and advantages there is. 

We have invited speaker and Crime commissioner Jan Olsson, who will talk about his experience in this area. 

Time: Tuesday, May 3rd 5:30- 8:30 pm. 
Place: At Microsofts office, Regeringsgatan 25. (Map)
The event will be held in Swedish. 

Food and beverages will be served during the evening.
Hope to see you there! 

Digital police inquiries
Have you heard of Digital Police Inquiries (Regulatory Law)?

The right of regulation means that you as a credit institution as of 31 May need to provide a service to be able to answer these inquiries from the Police.

We are developing this as an additional service to CM1 to help you as a customer in a cost- and time-efficient way.

Are you curious and want to know more contact Sandra Madstedt,


Fuzzy Search

Add fuzzy search option to manual sanction search for persons and organizations.

When searching with fuzzy search option enabled, the search will return a broader set of names to allow for some misspelling and mistypes in the search fields.

The Quality field will change and will represent the statistical similarity between the search query and the result.  


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About CM1
CM1 is a system support for the AML processes when onboarding customers as well as follow-up on customer relationships and transaction monitoring. CM1 is offered as a service. It is implemented and configured in close cooperation with the customer.


About Softronic

Softronic offers innovative digital solutions that contributes to a more sustainable future.  We help our customers create innovative and reliable digital services, which are meant to simplify people’s lives and jobs. This is what we call GoodTech – technology for a sustainable society. Read more www.softronic.se

© CM1 and  Softronic AB